a new cowboy hat.

I’m a hat person through and through. I don’t think there is such a thing as too many hats, especially ones as beautiful and luxurious as J.W. Bennett custom cowboy hats. When I’m not wearing mine, I hang them on…

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sarah flint loafers.

Adamo and I are cooped up inside on quarantine orders after contracting Covid (both fully vaxxed). Luckily we are all used to being stuck at home from the past 18 months and I have found dressing up makes the days…

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my cabin tour.

A big fan of Apartment Therapy over here! A few years back, my old teeny tiny cabin was featured on their website talking about small spaces. Since then I’ve upgrade to a “larger” cabin with a whopping 700 sq ft…

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a fall crumble you must try!

My friend bought me the Bakerita cookbook last year for my birthday and I’ve been slowly trying out new recipes. At first it was a little intimidating because the ingredients were kinda of foreign and hard to come by. Tapioca…

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