winter blues.

_90A9800{top and skirt: j.crew factory (both on sale!) // clutch: field & field c/o // ring: julie vos c/o // boots: frye // sunglasses: the gap}



november is my least favorite month in terms of weather.
there, i said it.  sorry, novembs.
although i’m just as excited as the next guy for the upcoming winter season, november is always a stark reminder that my beloved summers in the mountains have yet again, come to an end.

while we anxiously await a snow storm (or two), i’m taking stock of my winter wardrobe and adding as much color as i can this year.
i’m determined to let the summer brights live on during those dreary days when i can’t hit the slopes.
i know, i know….#whitegirlproblems.

this bright wool skirt will be in constant rotation as well as my new field & field bag.
the warm leather makes me so happy and still smells so good!
all of their bags are repurposed from equestrian saddles making each piece unique.
field & field was introduced to me by a high school friend and it’s right up my style alley
(well played, skidmore.)

photos by ashley merritt photography