rocker tees.

{chaser grateful dead tee: similar // shorts: j.crew // belt: c/o jeltbelt // boots: vintage // hat: stetson} we hit the fair, hard. every year it still makes my heart happy that little old towns continue this american tradition. from…

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glamping in utah.

i think the best part about living out West is that you can jump in your car, go in any direction, and end up somewhere awesome.  my girlfriends and i took a quick trip down to bear lake, utah this…

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a simple summer salad.

by no means am i a food blogger BUT i do love to cook and wanted to share a simple summer salad my mom always made for me. it’s still my go-to during the Summer (aka bikini season) that fills…

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let’s dance!

for a small town in wyoming, jackson hole offers world renowned talent. we are so lucky to have a program like The Dancers’ Workshop to bring in some of the top dancers from the New York City Ballet Principal to…

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early summer in the tetons.

Jackson Hole never ceases to amazing me. Every Season is full of new surprises and I feel like there is always a new adventure to do. This year marks my 9th year in Jackson Hole and every year there are…

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