a simple summer salad.

by no means am i a food blogger BUT i do love to cook and wanted to share a simple summer salad my mom always made for me.
it’s still my go-to during the Summer (aka bikini season) that fills me up.
i’ve teamed up with Victorinox Swiss Army to share this super simple, healthy, and quick recipe.

for this yummy salad, i purchased produce from Vertical Harvest, one of the world’s first vertical greenhouses found right here in jackson hole!
it feels good to buy greens and tomatoes that are grown right down the street from me.

so here’s what you need:

butter bibb lettuce (from vertical harvest)
baby tomatoes (from vertical harvest)
red onion
rotisserie chicken
toasted almonds
poppy seed dressing

chop them all up and toss, SO easy and delicious!

one thing that makes my life so much easier are good knives. and beautiful ones at that.
who knew Swiss Army made a gorgeous set of knives?!
these sharp blades seriously make my life so much easier and cooking that much more enjoyable.
the knives in this rosewood block set are laser honed and precision stamped high-carbon stainless steel and guaranteed to last a lifetime.
i think i know what i’m getting all my friends for wedding gifts….


