denim, denim, denim

Meagan-denim-5{Target Dress // booties (old but love these) // Ona Camera bag}

Q: what kind of overalls does Mario wear?
A: denim, denim, denim…..denim, denim, denim {insert mario nintendo tune}

GET IT?!  I know, not my best but it fits the theme of today’s outfit.


i’ve been running around like a mad woman and when I saw this dress at tar-jay, i knew it would be perfect for this time of year.
you really can’t go wrong with an easy (and extremely inexpensive) dress that can work with just about anything.
the heavy duty denim is great for the “maybe it will snow….maybe it will be 75 today!” thoughts i have every morning while getting dressed.
more of my fave denim dress picks below.

photos by my girl, Ashley.