winter winery.

meagan-jhwinery-7{animal friendly fur: hbrand // jcrew top // paige jeans // zara booties (similar, similar)}

The title of this post should be more like “Winter White”.  Holy moly, that pale face is a good representation of someone who has spent most of these last few months indoors in front of a computer screen, working away. But I don’t even care!  I’m loving my work right now, so take that pale skin!  Although this outfit post may look like all fun and games, it was actually taken in less than 30 seconds as we took a quick break filming something awesome.  And yes, the film was for work.  2015 is the Year of the Hustle, I tell ya.

Now that I’ve re-read this…. filming plus hustling sounds an awful lot like a Kim Kardashian video. Alas, it is far from that. Sorry to get your hopes up.


meagan-jhwinery-4meagan-jhwinery-9photos by Ashley Merritt Photography