what to do when the world feels like it is falling apart.

I had this whole New Year’s post dedicated for this week, all locked and loaded to hit send once my daughter started daycare back up, full of updates of my In’s and Out’s, a fun style challenge, and links to things bringing me joy. I was really inspired to start writing again and sharing it with all of you. Then LA started burning. I thought I’d wait a day for it to pass and then post. But it just keeps burning, and burning, and it’s still burning. It feels a little tone deaf to be posting about anything that brings me joy while people are losing everything as we speak, so I decided to turn this post into something more important and talk about something that has been heavy on my mind as I, like everyone else, watch as the world burns.

Not to get too woo-woo (but hey, the woo feels real these days), but in 2019 I had just sold my local business and was trying to figure out next steps. I met with an amazing astrologer and she told me that “The next 7 years are going to be complete chaos for everyone in this country. Everything needs to shatter in order to be rebuilt”. (I have this recorded). And I haven’t stopped thinking about that for the last 5 years. It seems every system we have has been rattled to the depth of its core, with every few months a new devastating and unthinkable headline. And yes, the media definitely plays things up and makes it more scary, but those things are still happening. War, natural disasters, mass shootings, inflation, epidemics, social injustices….should I go on?

Collectively, we have all experienced so much trauma since the start of 2020 and our nervous systems need a break. At times it feels so overwhelming to even think about what to do next – no matter if you are in the thick of it or your heart is breaking across the country/world for yet another terrible headline. I don’t know all of the answers but I do know a few ways to get grounded in stressful times. Here’s what I personally try to do…

  1. Gratitude Gratitude Gratitude – They say you can’t feel gratitude and fear at the same time so making mental or physical lists of anything you are so grateful for in this moment can help your brain get a break. Sometimes when I’m super triggered, I’ll stop and count on each finger things that bring me so much gratitude right then and there.
  2. Limit News and Social Media Scrolling – Get the information you need and get out. I am guilty of this but the images will continue to haunt you and that’s doing nothing for you or anyone else. It’s not helping to stay glued in. Share important news, stay away from the bullshit and noise. Just stop scrolling when it feels to be too much.
  3. Control What You Can Control – The only things we can control are in our little bubbles. I struggle with feeling selfish around this but it’s true. Focus on yourself first, then your family, then your friends and community. The biggest difference you can make is at home and in your community. If you feel helpless, see how you can get involved in something locally that lights you up. Or hell, go do something nice for your neighbor.
  4. Mental Health Check – Do you need to talk to someone? Make an appointment with your therapist? Talk to a trusted friend? An AA meeting? Up your meds? Whatever it is you THINK you need, you probably do need. Don’t hesitate to jump on that to get you through this next cycle of disaster.
  5. Cut Out Stimulants– Social media, alcohol, caffeine, over committing. Right now you need to completely re-set, so please don’t feel bad saying “no”. Most of those things can be put on the back-burner for now. Again, you aren’t able to fully show up if you aren’t grounded so take the time away from anything that is giving you the extra jitters.
  6. Breathe – Whenever I get triggered I have to remind myself to take a deep breath. And I usually notice how shallow my breathing has been. A few counts in through the nose, then hold, then out through the mouth. It seems so silly and simple but it does wonders in the moment to get your nervous system to settle. I am also a huge fan of setting aside 20 to 30 minutes to meditate. To Be Magnetic is offering a Free Safe Meditation which you can access here.
  7. Donate – When these tragedies occur, our dollars can go so far so quickly for those in need. I’m personally triggered by thinking of mother’s who have lost everything and are having to take care of new babies or little kids. So for me, Baby 2 Baby is a great place to throw what I can today. We will be seeing so many GoFund Me’s in the coming days to help families who have lost everything. Pick one and give what you can.

The main take away is to prioritize your mental health so you can get re-centered and take the next steps to move forward. The saying of “put your oxygen mask on first” rings true in these trying times. I think women especially have a hard time putting ourselves first but I’m here to remind you that you should. Regardless of what’s happening or continues to happen, I hope you can take care of yourself FIRST and foremost, so you can show up for the world. We all need each other right now.

If you’re looking to connect with my astrologers, here are my girls’ contacts below. Personally, I love to do a reading with both of them within a few months of each other and while they do things slightly differently, they are really similar. Please tell them that I sent you! Both can do remote sessions and both record, which is so helpful to listen after the reading.

Lyn Dalebout (Local to Jackson Hole)

Rosie Cutter

To Be Magnetic Safe Meditation