getting off anti-depressants.

i’ve been waiting a bit to share this story, mainly because i wanted to see where i truly stood, after coming off 15 plus years of anti-depressants. i posted this Instagram post in the fall and was truly blown away…

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jackson hole food & wine winter fest.

let’s be honest about something. one of the best things about skiing and the mountain culture, is Après–Ski!  there’s really nothing like hitting the slopes hard with your friends, knowing that incredible food awaits to warm your bellies when you…

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dancing in jackson hole.

There’s something so charming about cowboy traditions in the Wild West. One of my personal favorites has to be western dancing. By no means do I have any idea what I’m doing on the dance floor, but stopping by an…

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frost 2.

the only person to ever cut my hair in jackson hole is rob hollis.  and probably the only person for the rest of my life.  i don’t what he does, but he seriously makes me feel like a million bucks…

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the winter days can be long, cold, and feel never ending.  it’s hard to get inspired with outfits when i just want to feel my toes everyday when i leave the house. warmth is key, people!  the best way to…

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