investment pieces.

Meagan-Winter&Bract-5{sweaters: c/o Winter & Bract, here // jeans: levi’s // toggle coat: similarsimilar, similar // boots: sorels // purse: c/o field & field}


over the last few years, i’ve been very particular with my clothing purchases.
maybe its because i’m a realtor but i’ve really started to look at everything as an investment, including my wardrobe.
the “cost per wear” equation is always on the forefront of my mind before checkout.

i recently read an article on how our society views clothing as disposable and it made my stomach turn.
personally, i’m very much the opposite.
i have a dress collection that started in high school that i still rock today.
my boots are expensive but i’m confident that higher quality will last longer.
i know my colors and cuts and therefore try to stick to adding more value to my closet with pieces that will enhance what i’ve already got.
all of this leads me to my topic of today: cashmere.

cashmere is a definite investment piece worth the higher price tag and i’ll tell you why.
– you will always feel rich, even when you’re not.
– you will always feel cozy and happy, even if you’re having a rough day.
– you will warm up, instantly.
– like all good things, it will last for ages, if taken care of properly.
cashmere is kind of like a hug, all day long, season after season! an old friend if you will.

and p to the s. that toggle coat is from the 6th grade people. talk about investment. nice work j.crew circa 1998.

*this post is brought to you by Winter & Bract, a cashmere company designed in Jackson Hole and made in Scotland. Thanks for showing love to the sponsors who make this blog possible! photos by Ashley Merritt Photography