posting up in my little cabin is where you can find me most of the winter. so to say i was thrilled to find a soft and cozy pair of wool slippers, is an understatement. these Chilote House Shoes might just be the best things my little feets have ever put on! they kind of go perfect with my tiny little log cabin.
these beautiful slippers hail all the way from Patagonia, in chile! they are made from local sheep wool to provide warmth, comfort, and insulation, yet they are ventilated just a tad so your feet don’t get too hot. they are juuuuust right! the bottom is made from local sourced salmon leather that has been re-purposed and up-cycled, giving it a beautiful suede feel. if i could cozy up in a cabin the rest of my days, i certainly would!
the best part? each purchase of slippers empowers a local working artisan woman in chile! buy a pair, your feet will thank you. (and they ship to the US)